Thursday, March 15, 2007

You Are My Lover by Reiko

I am a dreamer

Lying in the field

Smell grass, flowers and trees

Feel the comfortable wind blowing

I left from the crush of the great city and you

I was too busy there, then I couldn’t have enough time to meet you

You can come and stay here with me

Have my room key

Touched by the secrets of nature

Nature heals my strain

Let’s talk together more and more

Let’s talk about our future

You are my lover

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Making Easter Eggs

It was a little pre-mature, but I had the dye from another easter egg project earlier in the day. I was a little nervous about bringing a kids art project to an adult English class, but it went over really well. Everyone really enjoyed coloring eggs and watching them turn brilliant colors! The eggs turned out really well. Here are a few pictures from the evening! The lesson: you are never too old to make Easter eggs!!